BENLYSTA patient story

Dr. Alvin Wells, Rheumatologist

Paid consultant to GSK at the time of filming.

video transcript

DR WELLS: Hi, I’m Doctor Alvin Wells, a board-certified rheumatologist practicing in Franklin, Wisconsin.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: Dr. Alvin Wells, Rheumatologist
Paid consultant to GSK at the time of filming.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: “Meet a patient on BENLYSTA”
 Stay tuned for Important Product Information

DR WELLS: Thinking about BENLYSTA it reminds me of a 32-year-old lady, an African American patient who had lupus for a long period of time.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: In an SLE clinical trial in Black patients, efficacy response rates were higher with BENLYSTA vs placebo. The improvement was not statistically significant and the safety profile of BENLYSTA was consistent with the overall SLE population.
Patient experience may not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.

DR WELLS: I had known her for several years and unfortunately like some of our patients, she had fallen through what I call the cracks, she had missed a couple of appointments,...

ON-SCREEN TEXT: In an SLE clinical trial in Black patients, efficacy response rates were higher with BENLYSTA vs placebo. The improvement was not statistically significant and the safety profile of BENLYSTA was consistent with the overall SLE population.
Patient experience may not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.

DR WELLS: ... and when she did come in not too long ago, she had significant disease activity. And what does that look like? It may vary in patient to patient but many of my patients with lupus,...

ON-SCREEN TEXT: “Significant disease activity”

DR WELLS: ... they’re driven by the tender joints, the swollen joints, the rash, and the presence of ulcers either in the nose or the mouth.

• Tender
• swollen joints
• Rash
• Ulcers

DR WELLS: So, we sat down, and we talked about what were the different treatment options for her. I kept her on a background therapy with the antimalarials and decided to add BENLYSTA. As I follow the patients – most of my lupus patients, I will see within 3 to 4 months, and as I begin to follow her, her symptoms improved. The arthritis, meaning the tender and swollen joints improved significantly, she even had improvement in some of the other mucocutaneous symptoms that we see with lupus.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: “Her symptoms improved”
Patient experience may not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.

DR WELLS: The thing that brought it home for me was the corticosteroid use. My goal is to get the corticosteroid use down to less than 10 milligrams a day, she was down to 7.5 milligrams and that was a homerun for me. So, as I think about patients who have active disease activity from the lupus, the use of BENLYSTA not only treats their signs and symptoms but allows me to kind of monitor the other therapies, including the corticosteroids.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: “get the corticosteroid use down”
Patient experience may not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.


DR WELLS: Thank you for watching and visit the BENLYSTA website for more information.

ON-SCREEN BUTTON: Visit the website



For patients on standard therapy: Aged 5 years and older with active systemic lupus erythematosus or active lupus nephritis. Not for use in severe active central nervous system lupus. Reported: serious & sometimes fatal infections; progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; acute hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis & death, and infusion-related reactions; and, depression & suicidality. Avoid live vaccines. Common adverse reactions: nausea, diarrhea, pyrexia, nasopharyngitis, bronchitis, insomnia, pain in extremity, depression, migraine, pharyngitis, & injection site reactions.



For patients on standard therapy: Aged 5 years and older with active systemic lupus erythematosus or active lupus nephritis. Not for use in severe active central nervous system lupus. Reported: serious & sometimes fatal infections; progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; acute hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis & death, and infusion-related reactions; and, depression & suicidality. Avoid live vaccines. Common adverse reactions: nausea, diarrhea, pyrexia, nasopharyngitis, bronchitis, insomnia, pain in extremity, depression, migraine, pharyngitis, & injection site reactions.

Please see additional Important Safety Information and full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide, on the website.


Intravenous Use 120 mg/vial
Subcutaneous Use 200 mg/mL

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Trademarks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.
©2022 GSK or licensor. BELVID220048 August 2022 Produced in USA.

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